United States securities and exchange commission logo

                           April 28, 2021

       Robert Alpert
       Chief Executive Officer
       P10, Inc.
       4514 Cole Avenue, Suite 1600
       Dallas, Texas 75205

                                                        Re: P10, Inc.
                                                            Amendment No. 1 to
                                                            Draft Registration
Statement on Form S-1
                                                            Submitted April 8,
                                                            CIK No. 0001841968

       Dear Mr. Alpert:

             We have reviewed your amended draft registration statement and
have the following
       comments. In some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with
information so we
       may better understand your disclosure.

              Please respond to this letter by providing the requested
information and either submitting
       an amended draft registration statement or publicly filing your
registration statement on
       EDGAR. If you do not believe our comments apply to your facts and
circumstances or do not
       believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell us why in your

             After reviewing the information you provide in response to these
comments and your
       amended draft registration statement or filed registration statement, we
may have additional

       Amendment No. 1 to Draft Registration Statement on Form S-1

       Prospectus Summary
       Our Company, page 1

   1.                                                   Refer to your response
to comment 1. Please clarify whether you have any current plans
                                                        for acquisitions.
   2.                                                   Refer to your response
to comment 2. Please clarify here what you consider to be the
                                                        "middle-market private
markets industry." Similarly please explain what you consider to
                                                        be "middle and
lower-middle market venture capital."
 Robert Alpert
P10, Inc. LastNameRobert Alpert
April       NameP10, Inc.
       28, 2021
April 228, 2021 Page 2
FirstName LastName
Historical Ownership Structure, the Reorganization and Recent Transactions,
page 63

3.       Please revise to expand your organizational structure chart on page 63
to include
         consolidated entities and entities in which you hold a significant
noncontrolling interest.
         Also, revise to show the ownership percentage and economic interest
percentage if
4.       Please tell us and revise to disclose if any directors or members of
management from P10
         or its wholly owned subsidiaries also hold any positons as directors
or management of the
         Enhanced Capital Employee Stock ownership Plan, EC Holdings, ECP or
Enhanced PC.
Use of Proceeds, page 65

5.       We note your response to our prior comment 6. We also note your
disclosure at page 30
         that the facility was amended in December 2020. Please clarify to us
if the indebtedness
         to be discharged was incurred within the last year, and describe the
use of proceeds from
         such indebtedness, other than short-term borrowings used for working
capital. Refer to
         Item 504 of Regulation S-K.
6.       Refer to your response to comment 7. Please revise to disclose the
principal purposes for
         which the net proceeds are intended to be used, including any plans
you have to expand
         your business and enter into new lines of business, and disclose the
approximate amount
         intended to be used for each such purpose. Refer to Item 504 of
Regulation S-K.
Description of EGC and ECP, page 69

7.       We note your response to comment 11 and that Enhanced PC was formed to
allow for P10
         to acquire only the elements of ECG   s historic business which align
with P10   s core
         business activities. Please tell us how the current structure achieves
this objective
         considering that P10 receives significant economic rights and
potential benefits through
         the equity and economic interests of ECG and ECP. Please revise to
clearly disclose
         information related to Enhanced PC including the nature of its
operations and the
         significant risks and rewards related to P10   s contractual rights
and obligations.
8.       Please file the Reorganization Agreement, Administrative Services
Agreement, and
         Advisory Services Agreement as exhibits or advise.
Advisory Agreement, page 70

9.       We note your response to Comment 18. If appropriate, please revise the
Risk Factors
         section to discuss the uncertainty related to the collectability of
any revenue from
         Enhanced PC related to the Advisory Services Agreement.
Reorganization Agreement, page 70

10.      Please provide us a summary of the accounting for the reorganization
agreement by ECG
         and ECP including the summarized journal entry for each entity and the
 Robert Alpert
P10, Inc.
April 28, 2021
Page 3
         supporting your accounting. Specifically tell us how you considered
the guidance in ASC
         860-10-55-78. Additionally, based on your disclosure on pages 77 and
80, it appears you
         determined the cost basis of the equity investments in Enhanced PC for
         received in the reorganization at $0. Please explain how this was
11.      We note your response to comment 10. Please tell us in detail and
revise to disclose the
         method for determining the economic and voting interests for ECG and
12.      Please tell us in detail and revise to describe the reasons or
motivations for the economic
         and voting interests for ECG and ECP. Specifically discus why ECG
received 0% voting
13.      Please tell us how you determined that equity investment accounting
was appropriate for
         ECG   s equity interest in Enhanced PC and identify the guidance
supporting your
         determination. Specifically tell us the legal form of Enhanced PC and
how you
         determined you had significant influence considering your 0% voting
interests. Also, tell
         us how you considered the guidance in ASC 323-10-35-13.
Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated and Combined Financial
page 75

14.      Please revise each note that describes a column of pro forma
adjustments to clarify if the
         adjustments represent Transaction Accounting Adjustments or Autonomous
         Adjustments. Refer to Rule 11-02(a)(6) of Regulation S-X for guidance.
Note 3. Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated and Combined Statement of
page 77

15.      We note your disclosure that the cost basis for the equity investments
in ECP and
         Enhanced PC were $0 and $1. If true, please revise to clarify that P10
  s equity investment
         in Enhanced PC is through your consolidation of ECG.
Adjustment 7, page 80

16.      Please revise to disclose the net losses recognized by ECP and
Enhanced PC for the year
         ended December 31, 2020 on a pro forma basis.
FPAUM, page 94

17.    We note your response to comment 22 and your revised disclosure on page
94. Please
FirstName LastNameRobert Alpert
       revise to provide a similar roll forward that is not on a pro forma
basis and identify
Comapany    NameP10,
       significant     Inc.
                   trends or concentrations in your FPAUM and discuss the
causal factors for the
April 28, 2021 Page 3
FirstName LastName
 Robert Alpert
P10, Inc. LastNameRobert Alpert
April       NameP10, Inc.
       28, 2021
April 428, 2021 Page 4
FirstName LastName
Business of P10
Our Solutions, page 109

18.      Refer to your response to comment 24. Please revise your disclosure to
describe the
         principal investment products that you offer in each asset class and
the target investor
         market for each product.
Acquisition of Enhanced, page F-23

19.      So that we may better understand your accounting please provide us a
summary of the
         allocation of the consideration paid by P10 for the fair value of the
assets acquired and
         liabilities assumed in the acquisition of ECG and ECP. As part of the
summary, please
         provide a separate reconciliation for ECG and ECP as of the
acquisition date that shows:

                The Balance Sheet prior to the reorganization,
                The Balance Sheet related to the Permanent Capital Subsidiaries
and/or other
              subsidiaries contributed to Enhanced PC, and
                The remaining Balance Sheet that was exchanged for the
consideration as part of the
              Securities Purchase Agreement.
20.      Additionally, please provide us a summarized schedule of the cost and
fair value related to
         the investments and other key assets and liabilities remaining with
ECG and ECP and
         those contributed to Enhanced PC.
21.      Noting that ECP consolidates Enhanced PC after the reorganization,
please clarify for us
         if you considered Enhanced PC in the valuation of ECP in the
allocation of consideration
         paid by P10. If not, please explain why.
22.      Please tell us if the inter-company debt payable by ECP to ECG as
referenced in your
         response to Comment #15 is the same note as described in Note 4 on
page F-169. If not,
         please tell us all of the key terms and other relevant facts and
circumstances related to the
         note. Please tell us how the note was considered in the valuation of
ECG and ECP to
         determine the allocation of the consideration paid and how the note
was measured in the
         purchase price allocation of ECG. Please tell us and disclose what
happened to the note
         subsequent to the reorganization and acquisition, explaining which
entity currently
         recognizes the note, the amount outstanding and any other relevant
23.      Please tell us all the key facts and circumstances and identify the
specific accounting
         guidance you considered and the guidance on which you relied upon to
determine whether
         you had a controlling financial interest in ECP. Specifically tell us
how you considered
         whether control may be demonstrated other than by the possession of
voting rights.
24.      Please tell us all the key facts and circumstances and identify the
specific accounting
         guidance you considered and the guidance on which you relied upon to
determine the
         primary beneficiary of Enhanced PC. Specifically tell us how you
considered which
         entity had the power to direct the activities of Enhanced PC that most
significantly impact
 Robert Alpert
P10, Inc.
April 28, 2021
Page 5
         Enhanced PC   s economic performance and how you considered the
Advisory Agreement
         between ECG and Enhanced PC in this determination.

25.      Please revise to include Schedules A, B, and C referenced in the
exhibit as part of Exhibit
        You may contact William Schroeder at 202-551-3294 or Michael Volley at
3437 if you have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and
matters. Please contact Sonia Bednarowski at 202-551-3666 or Susan Block at
with any other questions.

FirstName LastNameRobert Alpert                                Sincerely,
Comapany NameP10, Inc.
                                                               Division of
Corporation Finance
April 28, 2021 Page 5                                          Office of
FirstName LastName